Tips for Daylight Savings Time Change

Dear Parents & Caregivers,

As we approach the daylight savings time change, I'm here to offer some helpful strategies to ensure a smooth transition for your little ones. Here are three methods you can consider:

1. Do Nothing Method: Sometimes, the best approach is to let nature take its course. Older children, teens, and adults often adjust naturally over the next few weeks. Embrace the later bedtime and enjoy sleeping in a bit longer! *This is the approach I personally go with!

2. Quick Adjustment: If you prefer a more proactive approach, try adjusting your child's schedule earlier in 30-minute increments over the weekend leading up to the time change. This method can help encourage a smoother transition without disrupting your weekday routine too much.

3. Gradual Adjustment: Start adjusting your child's schedule earlier by 15 minutes each day leading up to the time change. Begin with bedtime, followed by waking your child in the morning, and adjust naps accordingly. By the night of the time change, your child's schedule will align with the new time on the clock, maintaining consistency.

Additional Tips:

- Consider using blackout shades to create a conducive sleep environment, especially since it will stay lighter out later.

- Adjust waking time and nap times accordingly to maintain the new schedule.

- If you use an Ok To Wake light, remember to adjust the times accordingly to match the new schedule.

-Get outside for natural sunlight to help regulate and promote sleep. 

-Follow a bedtime routine and stay consistent. 

Remember, every child is different, so choose the method that best suits your family's needs and preferences. With a little preparation and consistency, you can help your child adjust smoothly to the upcoming time change.

Wishing you and your family restful nights and peaceful transitions!

Sweet dreams xo, Heidi


Age Appropriate Awake Windows- Slumberpod Guest Blog
