One of the most important tips I can give anyone caring for a newborn is CONSISTENCY. Babies and children thrive following a routine. Following an outlined routine can be beneficial to keep the baby from becoming overtired. An overtired baby has a more difficult time calming & settling, falling asleep, and staying asleep. 

While you can't expect a newborn to be on a strict schedule or much of a schedule at all, you can offer them predictability. These are small routines in the day and around bedtime following sleep at the first sign of sleepy cues. If a newborn doesn't show visible sleepy cues, it can be helpful to follow awake windows between 40-90 minutes during the newborn months.    

The first night we brought my son home from the hospital was a bit of a sleepy blur. One thing I do remember is the nighttime routine I implemented from day one. It was short and simple! We still use some parts of this same routine with him today, and he's 4.5 years old! 

Our newborn routine:

Clean diaper, infant massage, pajamas, and a full feed while we listened to 4 of my favorite mellow songs in the background before turning on the sound machine. After a burp and swaddle, I put him down (always on his back), and that was the beginning of his solid sleep foundation. The key to this routine is the repetitive activities leading up to sleep. 

A consistent bedtime routine shouldn't be too long, overcomplicated, or stressful. It should be something you feel you can repeat each night without being overwhelming. Baths can be a great addition to a bedtime routine but certainly don't need to be offered every night. 

Fun fact: Baths can be a great way to calm the baby and signal the body that it is time for sleep. The warm water helps bring the core temperature down about a degree, which aids in falling asleep. 

Another excellent reason for offering a consistent bedtime schedule is that anyone helping with the baby can follow the outlined schedule, which helps keep things predictable and secure for the baby. Whether you are a parent, newborn care specialist, nanny, or grandparent, you can follow a consistent bedtime for the baby. 


Tips for Daylight Savings Time Change


Hugh and Grace Collective